

Telehealth services offered via telehealth


Telehealth is making it easier for you to get the medical services you need to manage your health. Cardiology At Home in Gilbert, Arizona, is a telehealth cardiology practice. Zaki Lababidi, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Sharolyn McClurg, NP, and the team make expert cardiology care accessible and convenient. Call today or use the online booking button to learn more about telehealth with Cardiology At Home. They also do home visits.

Is telehealth the same as telemedicine?

Telehealth refers to all remote medical services, including telemedicine. Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication technology to provide medical care, such as virtual visits with your doctor.

Telehealth allows the Cardiology At Home team to evaluate, monitor, and treat cardiovascular conditions, limiting or eliminating the need for in-office visits. Telehealth includes:

Virtual visits

Virtual visits are remote meetings with your Cardiology At Home doctor. Instead of driving to the office to discuss medications or symptoms, you can meet by phone or video call from a place that’s comfortable and convenient for you.

Electronic messaging

Electronic messaging includes all emails and texts sent from Cardiology At Home to you or your primary care doctor. 

Your doctor may send educational materials about your diagnosis or treatment to improve understanding. Or, they may electronically send medical reports to your doctor for continuity of care. 

Electronic prescriptions are also a form of electronic messaging.

Remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring allows the Cardiology At Home team to monitor your heart condition from a distance. They use advanced technology that monitors and captures various health readings, like the rhythm of your heart and delivers the information electronically to the office. 

Remote monitoring allows the team to assess the effectiveness of your treatment plan in real life and make adjustments that lead to better outcomes.

What cardiology services are provided through telehealth?

Cardiology At Home provides many in-office services through telehealth. Telehealth services may include:

  • Second opinion consultations
  • Follow-up care
  • Prescription refills
  • Monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm
  • Health education
  • Lifestyle management

Cardiology At Home utilizes advanced telecommunication technology to gather as much health information as they can without an in-office visit. However, they may request further testing like an echocardiogram or stress test that is only done at a clinic.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth makes getting and receiving medical care more convenient. Some of the benefits include:

  • No need to travel or take extensive time off from work 
  • Shorter wait time for appointments
  • Access to specialists outside your geographical area
  • Better health outcomes for you. 

Remote patient monitoring also makes it easier for doctors to manage heart disease risk factors and serious conditions like congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary artery disease (CAD). 

Call Cardiology At Home today or use the online booking button to learn more about the telehealth services.